Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Clean it up!

Was one of your New Year's resolutions to clean out closets & drawers, or to just get your life organized?  It's a yearly thing for me.  Something about the New Year makes me want to clean, redecorate, and just get a fresh perspective on a fresh, new year.  It's a pain, you know it is, but the feeling of accomplishment you'll have after it's all said and done is amazing.  Yesterday's chores included cleaning out at least 3 cabinets/drawers in the kitchen.  I have found if you do dreaded tasks like this in small increments, you'll keep your momentum to continue it. 

Our junk drawer was a nightmare, especially the massive tangle of cords that were once extension cords, headphones, wall chargers, etc.  It took me almost an hour to detangle them, and I had an idea to prevent future tangles.  Each individual cord is now in it's own ziploc baggie, labeled as to what it's used for.  Hopefully the other 3 people in this house will respect this new system and I won't ever have to detangle a mess like that again.  Maybe my fabulous cord containment system could help you in your quest to get organized!

After a long day of cleaning and organizing, it's time for a relaxing soak in the tub.  In the spirit of saving money while still being able to pamper ourselves, I suggest you try this super fun recipe for Homemade Bath Fizzies.  The kids are super excited to try these too.  I came across this recipe yesterday while the kids were home on a Snow Day, and all 3 of us are anxious to try making these.  They sound like they'd be fantastic gifts too. 

I also had a few requests for the recipe for Homemade Dishwasher Soap.  It couldn't be any easier or cheaper.  Say "Goodbye expensive commercial dishwasher soap" and say hello to savings!! 

Homemade Bath Fizzies

2 T. citric acid
2 T. cornstarch
1/4 c. baking soda
3 T. coconut oil (Choose your fave scent, such as lavender, almond, etc)
1/4 t. fragrance oil (lavender, orange, coconut, vanilla, etc)
3-6 drops food coloring, if desired

Place first 3 ingredients in a bowl and mix well.  Place coconut oil into a small bowl and add fragrance oil and food coloring.  Slowly add to dry ingredients and mix well.  With your hand or a small scoop, scoop out mixture and shape into 1" balls.  Let the balls rest on a sheet of waxed paper and let dry to harden for 24-48 hours.   Store in a closed, air tight container.  Use 1-3 fizzies per bath. 

Homemade Dishwasher Soap

1 cup borax
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup kosher salt

Pour all 3 ingredients into a plastic container or baggie, shake to mix.  I use about 2 teaspoons per load.  See, I told you it was crazy simple!  Start saving $$!  

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