Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sweet & Spicy Chicken Salad and other HOT news!!

Oh fun..the battle of the bulge marches on.  The closer I get to the big 4-0, it seems things are "bulging" where I don't think they should..  For about a month now, I've been training using the Couch to 5K program.  It's great for people like me who really hate to run, and to be honest, I am really starting to enjoy it, crave it, and understand what people mean when they say they get a "runner's high" from a workout.  It's weird...but I love it. 

When it comes to willpower, well...I have none.  Zero, zip, zilch.  Our pantry, freezer and fridge have looked like Mother Hubbard's cupboards for the past month.  If it has sugar, chocolate, fat or just anything naughty in it, I'm not buying it right now.  Fruits, veggies, whole grains, sugar free's in there, and it's my only saving grace.  The kids and Curt are none to happy, but I assured them that they won't keel over from lack of cookies, cakes or processed junk. 

In an effort to come up with something healthy and yummy for my own lunches, I decided that a good old chicken salad would be a smart choice.  And thus, Sweet & Spicy Chicken Salad was born.  You can add or delete ingredients to suit your tastes.  I adore the sweetness of the grapes combined with the spicy heat of the cayenne pepper.  It's great all by itself, or it makes a mean chicken salad sandwich or try it on a whole grain wrap...yummmm!!  The best part is that it's filling, delicious and guilt free.  Try it and let me know what you think!

And now, onto the other HOT news I dear friend Cassie has agreed to become a contributor to my modest little blog.  She is a Coupon Diva!!  She's been researching and saving tons of money each week through couponing services online and I asked her to share her tips and deals with all of you.  Can't wait to see what she has in store for us!  Welcome aboard my Diva friend!!  :)

Sweet & Spicy Chicken Salad

3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cooked & shredded or diced finely
1/2 cup mayo or plain yogurt (can combine the two)
1/2 cup low fat mozzarella cheese
1 cup red grapes cut in half
1/3 cup crushed pineapple
1/4-1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (use more or less, depending on your tolerance for heat)
diced green onions
cashews or toasted almonds

Mix first 6 ingredients together and chill.  When ready to serve, top with diced green onions and nuts if desired.  Enjoy, guilt free :)

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