Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'm the one Michelle warned you about...LOL! Let me introduce myself to those of you who don't know me. I have known Michelle since we were kids in grade school. YIKES! Michelle, does that make us old? Nope! You're only as old as ya feel! :)
I left my chiropractic assistant job to be a stay-at-home mom/daycare provider 10 years ago. The stress of the daycare dilemmas got to be too much for this momma so after 5 years, I gave up changing diapers & wiping snotty noses and just became a mommy to my 2 kiddos. My daughter, who just turned 12, is a split image of her father, who I owe much gratitude to for allowing me to live my dream of being home with my kids. My son, who is 9 yrs old, is a mini-me. He's a typical boy involved in all sorts of sports & loves to spend time with his dad doing whatever boys do. When my son started kindergarten, I got involved with volunteering in his class, which I loved dearly. This year, when he entered 3rd grade, my volunteering ended as it was now time for the kids to be more independent. (tears) This left me at home, lonely & bored, but soon that would change! In September, my dear friend had a baby & asked me to watch over her daughter so that brings me to today. I truly cherish all of my days that I get to spend with her. The 1st few months were rough ones but she's a happy lil' 6 mo. old who brings a smile to my heart everyday.
Now, on to my couponing adventures. One of my new year's resolutions was to cut debt & save more money. Who doesn't want that? I will let you all know of any good deals that are out there so you, too, can save $$ at the grocery store. Less $$ in their bank account & more in yours! :) Here's to happy couponing!

1 comment:

  1. Soooo glad to have you as an official "Diva" Cassie! No honey, we are not far as I'm concerned, we are still young girlies!! :) Looking forward all of your future posts...together we can make this blog R-O-C-K!
